DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-1-132-138
Introduction. The article presents the results of studying the problems of socialization of children in terms of additional education by means of art, the theoretical analysis of concepts «socialization», «cultural socialization» and basic components of the structure of these categories, in particular, «the system of individual values of personality», which determines the results of socialization of children as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon. The cultural specificity of socialization of children in terms of additional arts education, the psycho-pedagogical guidelines for the formation of individual values (directivity of value orientations, needs, motives of behavior and activity, etc.) in the sphere of additional education of children on the modern stage. Aim and objectives. To substantiate and concretize modern guidelines for socialization of children in additional education by means of art. Material and methods. The study used theoretical methods of interdisciplinary study of the process of socialization of a growing personality, its spiritual and cultural aspect, and analyzed current scientific research that reveals methodological guidelines that mediate the effectiveness of the results of the process of cultural socialization of children in modern conditions of additional art education. Methodological guidelines were personal, activity, complex, comparative approaches, theoretical analysis of scientific literature and classification, generalization of research results. Results and discussion. The process of socialization in scientific research is not only considered from the perspective of society, but from a position of identity that actualizes the role of personal and activity approach to the interaction between the child and the world of artistic culture. An important result of cultural socialization of children in additional education is the system of individual values as personal education (orientation of value orientations, needs and motives of activity). Set of interdisciplinary research (M. V. Boguslavsky, I. A. Pakhomov, V. V. Pavlovsky) allows us to highlight the features of the socialization process in modern conditions of functioning of institutions of additional education for children – the digital environment, changes in the content and methodological system of artistic additional education (the appearance of real on-line and off-line education), the teacher’s orientation to a personality-oriented model of interaction with children. Conclusion. Modern landmarks of the process of cultural socialization in secondary education by means of art (the interpenetration of ideas and methodological tools of personal and activity approaches and methods of digital pedagogy) contribute to the formation of individual values, personality artistic, aesthetic, creative direction, selfdevelopment and self-realization of a child in a constantly changing cultural environment, which is the main criterion of the efficiency and effectiveness of socialization process of growing personality.
Keywords: socialization, cultural socialization, system of individual values of personality, additional art education of children
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Issue: 1, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 132 — 138
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