DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-1-122-131
Introduction. The article discusses the peculiarities of studying phraseological units of the Russian language by Kyrgyz students. The methodological and linguodidactic foundations of studying Russian phraseology by Kyrgyz schoolchildren in the context of a Russian literary work are investigated. The purpose of the study is to analyze the phraseological units of a work of art and develop methods and techniques for mastering them in the Kyrgyz audience. Material and methods. The text of the play by A. N. Ostrovsky’s “The Storm”, in which special attention was paid to phraseological units and their functions performed in the context of this literary work. The work was carried out by means of an exploratory and research method, a method of comparison and classification of phraseological units, a method of interpretive and linguocultural analysis. Results and discussion. In this study, on the basis of a literary text, the features of the contextual functions of phraseological units in the speech of characters are revealed. An algorithm for working with phraseological units in the process of reading a literary work is being built. Methods and techniques are determined, thanks to which the work is interpreted, and, as a result, interest in Russian literature and culture of Kyrgyz schoolchildren is formed. The result of our research is a number of techniques that can be applied in practice in the process of reading a Russian literary text and studying phraseological units by Kyrgyz students. Conclusion. Understanding the semantics of words, their functional meaning in the context of a work can ensure the correct reading and successful interpretation of the literary text of Russian literature by Kyrgyz students. In this regard, in the lessons of the Russian language and literature, work with ethnocultural vocabulary (in our case, with phraseological units) should be carefully organized.
Keywords: Russian as non-native language; Kyrgyz school; phraseology of the Russian language; context of a work of art
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Issue: 1, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 122 — 131
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