DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-1-73-79
Introduction. The studying of the peculiarities of readers’ perception of poetic texts is one of the relevant problems of modern stylistic. The theory of regulativity as one of the text`s stylistic communicative directions, allows identifying of means and methods of text influence on the addressee. Based on analysis of regulatory tools and various types of structures, in O. E. Mandelstam`s lyrics the nature of vivid images that appear in reader`s mind in a poetic text can be explored as a form of communication. Material and methods. The hypothesis that the features of the regulatory capabilities can be judged by the reaction of informants who perceive the text and its parts, is tested on the basis on the receptive experiment based on the indications of the participants’ language consciousness. O. E. Mandelstam’s poetic texts of different years were the study materials: «In the dark sky, like a pattern» (1909); «Up out of an evil clinging pool» (1910); «How do I love the strain of living» (1930); «We are living, but can’t feel the land where we stay» (1933). The choice of these poetic texts is caused by its ideological significance and time of creation (the first and the second poem belongs to author`s early lyrics, the last two – his latest works). All these factors allow us to follow the nature of their perception by informants, taking into account the reflection of the evolution O. E. Mandelstam’s poetic picture of the world. Results and discussion. According to conventional five-point scale of impact, respondents gave the maximum score to poems related to the author’s civil lyrics. It is connected with the theme of these poetic texts (for most informants it seemed urgent and familiar), its ideological originality and its large number of regulatory methods that was used in text, srtuctures and its specific (in the poem «We are living, but can’t feel the land where we stay...» – vivid metaphors and epithets; in the poem «How I love the strain of living...» – a number of epithets). Conclusion. As a result of this research, data about factors that determine regulatory potential of the text and the nature of the interpretative activity of addressee were obtained. Among them, we can note thematic and ideological originality of O. E. Mandelstam`s poetic texts, the number and variety of lexical regulatory tools and structures used by author.
Keywords: theory of regulativity, text regulativity, experiment, poetic text, O. E. Mandelstam
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Issue: 1, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 73 — 79
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