DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-1-35-42
Introduction. The article deals with the German compound nouns with the Katze / Kater component as well as adjectives and verbs with the component, a large number of which confirm the productivity of the German word composition. The purpose of the study was to determine the peculiarities of the semantics of the zoonym Katze in the composition of compound words, to identify the structural composition and thematic groups of compound words with the named component, which also gives an idea of the derivational features of the language. Material and methods. It is necessary to classify the vocabulary composition of the language to facilitate the study of it. The zoonym Katze / Kater is the center of meaning of the thematic groups of compound words studied by us. To confirm the undeniable productivity of word composition in the German language, there were selected 172 compound nouns with the Katze component and seven lexical units with the Kater component as material, this component is a definitive word of the 152 words where together with the 20 words with this component is viewed as a defining word. In addition to this group of words, adjectives with the indicated component (17 words) and 3 verbs are studied. Metaphorical and metonymic transfer are the nominal features of the studied compound words; the main feature of such names is their semantic bi-planarity, i.e. «Game» of figurative and literal meanings of the word. Results and discussion. The article shows how active the Katze / Kater is as a component of German compound words. According to their structure, the lexemes selected for the study can be divided into 7 thematic groups, and into 9 according to their meaning. The theoretical significance is determined by the results of solving the problem. The research contributes to the development of the theory of word formation and semantics. The practical value of the research is determined by the possibility of using the research results in the development of lecture courses and seminars on Lexicology and History of the German language, Translation theory. Conclusion. Thus, the results of the study confirmed the authors’ assumption that thematic groups of compound words with the Katze / Kater component express a direct relationship to extralinguistic reality.
Keywords: compound word, nominational feature, zoonym, phytonym, metaphorical and metonymic transfer
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Issue: 1, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 35 — 42
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