DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-1-18-27
Introduction. The features of the lexical representation of the idea of national unity in publicistic and advertising texts are considered. The relevance of the study is due to the current state of the field of social communication, in particular, the unlimited possibilities of free interaction between people due to the availability of digital technologies, as a result of which, on the one hand, various actors can in-fluence human consciousness through texts (for example, newspaper publications, advertising, etc.), on the other hand, different types of discourses reflect the peculiarities of people’s ideas about a par-ticular fragment of modern reality. Aim and objectives. The purpose of the article is to analyze what lexical means represent the idea of national unity in the media discourse. The object of research is journalistic and advertising texts. Material and methods. The research material was lexicographic data, text fragments extracted from the National Corpus of the Russian language and selected by the authors from media publications, polycode texts of commercial advertising. The methods of semantic-motivational reconstruction, com-ponent analysis, interpretation of contextual semantics, analysis of definitions were used. Results and discussion. Based on the study of the linguistic representation of the idea of national unity in dictionaries and speech use, the value of the non-idiomatic compound expression national unity is established, contextual markers of the idea of national unity are identified in publicistic and advertising texts. The expression national unity is considered in a series of synonymous units of national unity and national consent. It is shown that the expression national unity has a procedural meaning and pre-supposes the duration of action, and the expressions of national unity and national consent have a substantive meaning of effectiveness and a contextual synonym for national union. Based on the analysis of the definitions of the adjective national and the noun unity and their speech use as a com-posite non-idiomatic expression, the definition of national unity is formulated as ‘the state process of rallying the citizens of the country who have a common historical past, based on the interaction of the authorities and the people on the issue of solving the problems of state development and national secu-rity’. It has been established that in commercial poly-code advertising, the expression national unity is not used, but the idea of national unification is implemented implicitly. Conclusion. The authors identified language markers for promoting the idea of national unity in mod-ern commercial advertising, nominating common traditions, territory and some features of the coun-try’s socio-cultural life. It is noted that commercial advertising has significant opportunities for promot-ing national ideas; a research perspective is seen in the study of the educational possibilities of adver-tising discourse.
Keywords: semantics, lexical markers, media discourse, polycode advertising text, national unity
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Issue: 1, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 18 — 27
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