DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-6-191-197
Introduction. The problem of reflection of modern education in its possibilities of implementing scientifically grounded socio-cultural integration interactions of secular and religious components in the modern educational process is actualized. Today, the attention of researchers is attracted to the problem of identifying sociocultural conditions for integration. Aim and objectives. The goal is to identify the philosophical and sociocultural foundations of the integration processes taking place in secular and religious education in modern Russia. Material and methods. The research is based on the methodology of communicative action (Habermas J., 2007), within which the possibility of communication between religion and education is realized. In addition, the methodology of the dialogical nature of the interaction of all structures of society is used (Bibler V.S., 2000). The object of the research is modern Russian education. The subject is the socio-cultural interaction of religious and secular components in Russian education. The methods are analytical review and comparative analysis of cognitive processes. Result and discussion. The result of the researches shows that there are the common problems between rational knowledge and religious faith, so the difficulties of interaction of secular and religious components of education is solved. Conclusion. Dialogue and communication between secular and religious cultures require greater methodological base. It is necessary because the boss components have common values and integration should take place.
Keywords: secular, religious education, education, cultural integration, interaction
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 191 — 197
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