DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-6-108-117
Introduction. The article presents the relevance of forming a meta-subject matter that is implemented on an intersubject content in the system of basic General education and is currently necessary for society in high-tech industries of any profile. The article shows the need for a modern school teacher of mathematics, physics and technology to develop competencies related to the basics of engineering, which are mandatory for graphic culture and graphic literacy. The purpose of research is to identify intersubject lines between mathematical, natural science and technical academic disciplines that contribute to the formation of students‘ competencies related to engineering, such as graphic culture and graphic literacy. Material and methods. The article is based on the authors generalization of the experience of teaching a number of engineering courses for future technology teachers directly related to their future professional activities. The analysis of normative documents on the research problem is carried out. Results and discussion. The analysis of normative documents regulating the educational process of future teachers of technology has shown that the content of the theoretical material, as well as the practical part of such fundamental disciplines as physics and mathematics, does not take into account the applied aspects of this direction of training students of pedagogical universities. In modern conditions of the introduction of specialized engineering classes in schools, in addition to the professional competence of the teacher, the teacher of mathematical, natural science and technological cycles of disciplines must have competencies related to engineering, such as graphic culture and graphic literacy. To form competencies related to graphic literacy, the module «Graphics / Engineering design» was introduced into the process of training technology teachers within the professional cycle as a discipline of choice, which included a block of such disciplines as drawing, engineering graphics, elements of analytical geometry, computer graphics. Thus, it became possible to create inter-subject lines between the academic disciplines of mathematical, natural science and technological cycles of disciplines, which in turn will further form the meta-subject of the entire educational process of future technology teachers. Conclusion. The formed meta-subject of the educational environment for students of pedagogical University studying in the direction of training 44.03.01 Pedagogical education, directions (profiles) of mathematics, physics, technology will allow teachers to consistently form and develop spatial thinking, imagination, creative abilities, observation of students necessary in their further professional activities.
Keywords: metasubject results, intersubject content, professional competencies, mathematics teacher, physics teacher, technology teacher, basic engineering knowledge, descriptive geometry, computer graphics, engineering design
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 108 — 117
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