DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-6-84-91
Introduction. In the present article the interaction of four constituents of the academic class in the foreign language is studied, according to the ideas of Ye. I. Passov: 1) the cognitive; 2) the developing; 3) the educational and 4) the academic aspects. The class is organized on the methodology principles of perseverance and associations, which are explained in details while solving lexicography problems in finding the common seme of the word in the semantic cell on the examples of the English and the French languages. The integral approach to the methods of holding the class enables the tutor to achieve the academic goals of the class in the dynamic and logical way, focusing from time to time on different sides of the lesson. The and global aim of the language class and the academic process, in general, is to educate a person to the professional, independently thinking personality, which can be achieved only in constant mental (the interiorized action) and communicative practice. The aim of the present article is to show the close interrelation of different tasks of the class, put forward by the outstanding Russian methodist Ye. I. Passov, stressing the dictionary work and the work with the foreign lexis, when the educational process is teacher-centered. Material and methods: lexicographic analysis, comparative method, etymological excursion, method of associative links, integrative interdisciplinary approach. Results and discussion. Each global aspect of a foreign language lesson is analyzed on the example of the experience of practical lessons of the authors of the article in terms of the effectiveness of changing various types of work. The necessity of vocabulary associative work in mastering a foreign language is shown as the aspect that is most free from the frames, such as personal associations, the organizing, conducting role of the teacher in the educational process. The need for constant communicative practice of learning a foreign language is highlighted. Selforganization, self-discipline and self-esteem of students come to the fore in any academic work. Conclusion. Solving communicative problems of the class in a foreign language is represented as possible, basing on the principles of integration, perseverance and associations, creative thinking within the cognitive, developing, educational and academic tasks of the lesson. The problem of professionalism in working out independent creative thinking will be always topical in pedagogy and methods of teaching.
Keywords: lexicography tasks, integration, perseverance, associations, interior actions, functional psychology
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 84 — 91
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