DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-6-9-19
Introduction. The nomadic peoples of the North, belonging to the Arctic world, can be regarded as a unique result of the dynamics of earthly civilization. For many centuries, they managed to preserve a peculiar way of life and a nomadic life arrangement as the basis for the evolution of the Arctic culture. Today, specialists are concerned about the traditional cultural norms and values, ethnic characteristics of the peoples of the northern territories, which have been partially lost by the present time, which have been established for centuries. The purpose of the article is to characterize the upbringing process in the modern nomadic Arctic region. Research methods: analysis of pedagogical literature, study of normative documentation in the educational sphere, systematization of the experience of preschool and general education organizations in Yakutia; involved surveillance; questioning; expert assessment; implementation of the results obtained in pedagogical practice. Results and discussion. The process of creating an upbringing space for a preschool nomadic structure, a nomadic general educational organization, an Arctic region with nomadic settlements have been analyzed. It has been substantiated that the upbringing space of a nomadic preschool educational structure is considered as an environment, the mechanism of (self) organization of which is goal-oriented and value-oriented meetings between a teacher and a child, pedagogical events with the participation of children, parents and other adults that are significant for a child. Conclusion. The process of upbringing of schoolchildren-northerners can be represented by a logical sequence, expressed in the form of a chain scheme-of family, community, preschool and school upbringing. The scheme can be disseminated into different territorial entities. The nomadic way of life being revived today must have legal legitimacy, justified by the current state legislation, and be recognized as a free choice by each northerner of his life path.
Keywords: upbringing, nomadism, arctic conditions, folk traditions, preschoolers, schoolchildren
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 9 — 19
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