DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-4-174-182
Introduction. Text interpretation problem is one of the most topical in up-to-date philology generally and in stylistics of text in particular. In this way the research of readers’ interpretative activity on the basis of experiments is of special interest, because it allows to judge steps of notional text explication in the addressee’s consciousness. The purpose of the article is to identify some patterns that are important for the interpretation activity of the collective addressee (reader) based on the methods of communicative stylistics of the text and its notional explication theory, developed in the context of this trend. Material and methods. Under the methodological base of communicative stylistics of text context and semanticstylistic analysis, a method of associative field of a key word’s modelling and experimental methodology are used in the article. It includes spare associative experiment as well as receptive experiment and modified methods of scaling by Ch. Osgud for detecting power of influence on collective addressee. Results and discussion. The research is done on the basis of experimental data on the reader’s perception of a verse “Light rain is tender, thin and delicate…” by O. E. Mandel’shtam with the use of the semantic explication theory, which is developed in the communicative stylistics of text, that realizes communicative and activity approach to the text. The theory of semantic explication of a text includes its lexical structure research, detecting of text notional paradigms of different types, their correlation, regulative means and structures analysis, textual associative field of a key word analysis versus associative field of this word, which is revealed during a spare associative experiment. Dependence of semantic explication of poetic text on its lexical structure of deductive type and author’s regulative means and structures, atributives as regulative text dominants and contrast as the main regulative method is determined in the article. Connection of interpretative readers activity (informants) with linguistic and extralinguistic aspects of pragmatic text level and its sublevels (figurative, emotional, ideal) is revealed on the basis of experimental methods. Experimental data verified the connection of the pragmatic level of the text with its informative and notional level. The factors that influence the relevant reading activities are identified. These factors are the following: author’s support to standard associations, which are stimulated by a key word, the role of lexical regulation in controlling of cognitive addressee’s of poetic text activity for revealing its deep sense. Conclusion. The introduced approach of researching interpretative readers’ of poetic text activity on the basis of its notional explication showed that the use of experimental methods with informants’ questioning makes it possible to judge about some regularities and steps of text’s and its elements’ influence on forming of common estimation and idea about text content, that readers have: the role of their informational thesaurus, ability to perceive not only deep, but also superficial sense. Dependence of a process of poetic text perception on its peculiarities – common regulative author’s strategy (explicit and implicit) and regulative means and structures and way of regulation – is detected.
Keywords: communicative stylistics, theory of notional text explication, poetic text, interpretation, lexical regulativity, experiment
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 174 — 182
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