DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-4-163-173
Introduction. The article analyzes the features of the structure and semantic content of the virtual portals of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the All-Russian public organization “Union of Pensioners of Russia”, the portal of the regional social center as a kind of institutional virtual resource that provides typical communication between the state and people of different ages – primarily the elderly. The purpose of the article is to describe the discursive, communicative, structural features of the official portals of state and public organizations, addressed to the elderly population of the country and region, to identify ways of organizing communication, the nature of communication with the addressee. Material and methods. The general research methodology is based on studies of linguists, psychologists, psycholinguists in the field of speech, psychological, cognitive characteristics of elderly people, as well as cognitivediscursive approaches to communication between official structures and public organizations with different layers of the population in a virtual environment. We used structural (content) analysis of the site, communicative analysis of the individual components of the sites, pragma-style analysis of fragments of texts contained in the content of the site, genre analysis of statements and fragments of texts. Results and discussion. Portals have a different volume of hypertext, multimodal, polycode structural components against the background of typical forms and contents typical for virtual objects. The virtual space of the RF PF portal has the features of a marketing platform that contains sections oriented to feedback from the addressee and their implementation – a citizen’s personal account, counseling center, and pension calculator; The content of the portal of the joint venture of the Russian Federation combines marketing, informative, effective and interactive features. The degree of combination of institutional, official, business, advertising, ritual, everyday discourses is also different, depending on the nature of the subject, function and copyright holder of the virtual object. The largest volume of official and official-business discursive component, the smallest amount of visual means is distinguished by the RF PF portal, the portal of the Union of Pensioners of the Russian Federation equally combines officialbusiness, legal, journalistic and everyday types of discourse, designed also using static and dynamic infographic components; the portal of the regional social center contains components of legal, official-business, educational journalistic types of discourse (the latter is represented by the numbers of the regional periodical). Conclusion. The structure, content of website, type of communication of the portals indicate the presence of incompatible types of recipient. The addressee of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation’s portal is a gender, professional, socially undefined person of retirement, pre-retirement age, interested in conceptually limited information; it’s mobile in a cognitive sense, easily transitioning from an ordinary conceptualization of reality to specialized, able to quickly adapt a large amount of legal information, orientated in a virtual environment, changing style and communicative registers. The addressee of the portal of the Union of Pensioners of the Russian Federation is a gender, socially undefined pensioner, active in relation to public and state life in Russia, having broad interests, involved in physical education and sports, and volunteer movement. The addressee of the portal of the Public Institution “Public Center for Social Policy of the Sherbakul Region” is a gender-undefined, socially unprotected (including pensioner), a geographically limited member of society, active in relation to the public life of the Omsk region, having broad interests, involved in physical education and sports not giving up under any circumstances. Common is the command of computer skills, the ability to navigate in a virtual environment or the awareness of the need to learn computer literacy. Common is the availability of computer skills, the ability to navigate in a virtual environment or the awareness of the need to acquire computer literacy.
Keywords: discourse, discourse analysis, site, site content, multicode text, polymodal text, concept, communication strategies
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 163 — 173
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