DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-4-126-135
Introduction. The article presents a study of functional-semantic peculiarities of Russian verbal prefixes on the example of the prefix PRED- and the verb predvidet (to foresee). Material and methods. Analysis of the semantic meaning of the prefix PRED- is based on the data of lexicographic sources, the description of its functional distinctiveness is made on the material of the Russian National Corpus. The Study is made on the basic principles of the grammatical and derivatological research of the Russian verb. The main theoretical points of this article are: the main function of Russian verb prefixes is word-forming, prefix is to modify the meaning of the initial verb; in contrast to the suffix the prefix is characterized by greater structural and semantic autonomy, and has the capacity to act as a kind of stylistic marker of the of the verb unit. Results and discussion. Based on the accepted objectives of the study, it was suggested that some of the Russian prefixes are able to “program” a verb unit to use it in a particular speech practice, since the meaning of the prefix (and the meaning of verbs with this prefix as a whole) corresponds to the communicative intentions of this discursive practice. Based on the analysis of the meanings of Russian verbal prefixes, prefixes with the indicated ability are highlighted, the bright representative of which is the prefix PRED in the prospective meaning – “to perform (or perform) an action in advance”. The meanings which had this prefix in Old Slavic and has them in modern Russian are characterized, word-forming type of verbs with PRED- and frequency of their use are also considered. Taking into account the Old Slavonic origin of the studied prefix and the general fixation of some verbs with the PRE for religious discourse, a working hypothesis is formulated that the verbs with PRE-implemented in the churchtheological sphere of functioning, as well as in other functional areas, which are characterized by the use in accordance with subjects of texts of units with prospective semantics. An analysis of the contexts with the verb predvidet’ (to foresee) (against the background of contexts with videt’ (to see) partially confirmed the hypothesis put forward, demonstrating the predominant use of the prefix verb in the texts of educational, scientific, artistic and journalistic functional areas with the themes “Politics and Public Life”, “Science and Technology”, “Art and Culture” and a small percentage of the implementation of the verb in the church-theological sphere. Conclusion. Due to the data from the Russian National Corpus we could identify a range of discursive implementations of the verb with the prefix PRED- at the present stage, confirm the presence of a certain correlations between the prefix meaning, the functional sphere and subject of the text in which the prefix verb is implemented. Also it helps as to demonstrate the necessity for further study of the functional features of Russian verbal prefixes on the material of the corpus data.
Keywords: Russian verbal prefixes, prefix pred-, prospective meaning, Russian National Corpus, sphere of functioning
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 126 — 135
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