DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-4-110-116
Introduction. The relevance of studying the textual parameters of radio text is determined by a new form of its functioning – the convergence of audio, graphic, verbal and action codes in the discursive space of the Internet. The processes of technological integration of radio and the Internet are influenced by socio-economic changes associated with the understanding of “journalism as a service”, providing two-way communication with the recipient – the consumer of a variety of program and application services. First of all, the recipient receives the status of an active agent of discursive practice and the subject of interactive content that manages the relationships between his and other texts on the network. Material and methods. The semiotic characteristics of radio text are considered, which ensure its coherent integrity at the recipient level. As the main feature, a temporal rhythmic organization is singled out, which differently specifies the radio text of analog broadcasting and network. Based on the semiotic theory of the text, the integral significance of the tempo-rhythmic structure of radio text for both forms of broadcasting is proved. Results and discussion. It seems that the process of generating text in these conditions should be considered from the point of view of the category of textuality. As an integral textual characteristic, significant for the qualification of the radial product of analogue (auditory) and convergent radio, the temporality is considered. The semiotic potential of the rhythm is realized in organizing the attention of the listener and the user of the network version of the radio. The paper considers the specifics of the implementation of the temporal structure in analogue and convergent broadcasting, draws conclusions about its conceptual significance for the formation of the axiological picture of the world of discourse. The dynamic structure of the rate of analog (audio) radio text is manifested at the paraverbal level of its organization, in those super-phrasal connections that allow you to connect the scattered attention of the addressee to certain fragments of the speech stream, keywords, images and emotions. The temporal rhythmic mechanism for activating attention in convergent broadcasting implements the promotional code for the interaction of the recipient, an interactive user, who displays the activity of choosing entertainment products and involvement in its consumption necessary for discursive practice. Conclusion. An analysis of the radio text of various technological nature allows us to talk about the parameters of text formation relevant for a media text characterized by semiotic hybridity, genre polymorphism and the specific role of the addressee involved in the generation of text content.
Keywords: radio text, hypertext, tempo, prototype (audio) form of broadcasting, convergent form of broadcasting
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 110 — 116
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