DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-4-93-101
Introduction. The paper focuses on the main structural and grammatical characteristics of the “Oil and Gas Processing” industry terms based on the material of the Russian language. The “Oil and Gas Processing” term system low exploration degree and disordering update the current study. Today, the refining of crude oil and natural gas is a promising area not only in Russia but also in other countries that extract these resources, since the quality of oil and gas products depends on the refining processes efficiency. A more complete understanding of the structure of terms in this field has a positive impact on the formation of the Russian-language scientific picture of the world, and also improves the professional qualities of domestic translators. Aim and objectives. The current paper aims to reveal the patterns of terms syntactic formation of a previously unexplored sphere. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to consider the content word of the term components and describe the structural models. Material and methods. The materials for research are “Basic terms in oil and gas processing. Brief reference book” by Gennadiy Tarakanov, “Transformations of sulfur compounds and aromatic hydrocarbons of oils diesel fractions in the processes of oxidative desulfurization” by Evgeniy Krivtsov, “Popular oil refining” by Leonid Bagdasarov, “Study of the state and prospects of oil and gas refining, oil and gas chemistry in the Russian Federation”. Traditional terminology studies form a methodology basis. Results and discussion. We identify 15 models in the studied term system. There are 1 one-word model, 5 twoword, 6 three-word, and 3 four-word ones. Single-word nouns and two-word terminological combinations constructed according to the “Adj + N” model are the most frequent. Three-word and four-word terms are formed based on twoword phrases. Conclusion. The productivity of term structure models directly depends on the syntactic word-formation processes of a national language. Despite a large number of polysemic terms in the studied field, it seems possible to note a tendency toward the concretization of semantics by complexing the term structure with attributes. The Oil and Gas Processing industry has adapted terms from several sciences, but now its terminology moves from the shortness of terms to their accuracy.
Keywords: term formation, Russian language terminology, oil and oil products desulfurization, native vocabulary, borrowed vocabulary, way of term formation
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 93 — 101
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