DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-1-104-113
Introduction. This study is a series of consecutive problems in the practice of educational reading in modern university pedagogical training. Educational reading is defined as a complex, sophisticated multi-order phenomenon. The study highlights the textual dimension of reading (aspects inherent in speech educational practices, without including management plans through the training assignment and pedagogical communication by reading practices). The empirical focus of the research includes the experience of interaction of undergraduate students of the Belarusian Maxim Tank State Pedagogical University (BSPU) with a fragment of the text by the Polish pedagogue Janusz Korczak. Aim and objectives. The research organization solves two interrelated tasks – diagnostic and project ones. The first is designed to identify the established trends in the educational work of students with a text. The second is to specify the circle and type of priority tasks that ensure the propaedeutics of educational transformations. An important goal of the study is to discover the specifics of the work of the retransmitting educational model in the practice of educational reading. The objective of this study is to find effective tools to limit the range of retransmitting reading regulators. Material and methods. The study used the method of discourse analysis of students’ written statements. The empirical basis was formed by the acts of reading and interpretive interaction of BSPU students with the pedagogical works by J. Korczak. The typical reading strategies used by students in teaching, as well as marginal textual tactics, creating the possibility of diversification of reading practices in the process of their studies are highlighted and described. As a condition for this kind of transformation, a specific (poetic) design of J. Korczak’s pedagogical statement is considered, which enables him to act as a “screen” of objectification of the students’ pedagogical experience. Results and discussion. It was identified that the dominant trends that have shown themselves in the students’ statements are textual (semantic) reconstruction and semiotic correlation. The following are the most frequently used text reconstruction tools by students: thematically oriented reading, qualification of the text as messages about real events, and text authorization. In marginal ways of reading, one can diagnose, on a preliminary basis, the issues of initiating, in the process of reading J. Korczak’s text, the primary signs of students’ linguistic (discursive) consciousness. It has been shown that in “relations with oneself” working with a text by J. Korczak brings to life three types of discursive effects: self-identification, self-observation, and self-motivation. One of the important results of the research is the discovery of the specifics of the retransmitting educational model, which traditionally acts as an asymmetric shift in the reader’s attention from the form (AS) to the content (WHAT) of the message. The following plans for limiting this model have been identified: theoretical-methodological, epistemological, and methodological. Conclusion. The study shows that pedagogical work in the situation of an educational reading crisis should be withdrawn from the reflexive-theoretical state and placed into an experimental-developmental environment. This means the need for didactic reconstruction of reading practices in professional pedagogical training, one of the options for which can be rhetorical re-reading of pedagogical classics. An example of the implementation of such didactic work in the meaning of the constructive condition for the formation of the professional position of the future teacher is a poetic attitude to the text representing the teaching practice by J. Korczak. It puts in the focus of attention the pedagogical experience of the students themselves and creates the possibility of their objectification and discursivation. The basic condition for such an opportunity is the specifics of the participation of the future teacher’s experience in the formation and changes of pedagogical situations.
Keywords: reading practices, pedagogical text, grammatical exposition of pedagogical text, rhetorical exposition of pedagogical text, didactic transformation, reading crisis in culture and education, retransmitting educational model
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 104 — 113
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