DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-1-86-93
Introduction. The article discusses the technology of blended learning, combining the advantages of traditional classroom and e-learning, ensuring the development of the student as a subject of self-educational activity and shaping his readiness for self-development in the future. Aim and objectives. The aim of the article is to review and analyze the features and key characteristics of “blended learning” technology, to study the models for its implementation in the educational process, as well as to describe the experience of using blended learning in the process of teaching Foreign Language. Material and methods. The methods of theoretical analysis were used: the study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical and scientific-methodical literature and the Internet resources on the problem of research, the study of foreign experience in the use of blended learning in the educational process, as well as the reflection of the educational activities of the author of this article. Results and discussion. The models and approaches of introducing blended learning into the educational process are described. Key characteristics of blended learning are highlighted: individualization of the educational process, productive independent work, the rational use of class time, the active use of modern information and communication technologies, etc. The characteristics of the interaction of subjects (teacher, students, and electronic educational resources) and the roles they implement in the blended learning model are given. Electronic resources for the introduction of blended learning in educational practice (learning management systems, massive open online courses, Google for Education cloud services) are considered. The experience of using blended learning technology in the teaching of the discipline “Foreign Language” is described. The educational process was built in accordance with the Flipped Classroom technology, which is implemented in the form of a three-stage educational model - independent pre-class work (watching video lectures in order to familiarize yourself with the educational information before the lesson, completing tasks to verify understanding of the material watched), class work (active / creative types of educational activity) and post-graduate work (independent generalization of the studied educational material). Conclusion. It is concluded that the use of the blended learning model results in an increase in the quality of students’ knowledge and the development of their ability to learn independently.
Keywords: blended learning, information-communication technologies, self-study, Google for Education, flipped classroom
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 86 — 93
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