DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-1-48-55
Introduction. Additional education has a high potential to influence the musical and creative development of children. One of the integrative forms of educational activity is the school theater, in which the versatile creative abilities of students are updated: musical (vocal, instrumental), dance, plastic, acting, verbal and dramatic, etc. The purpose of the article is to consider the theoretical and methodological grounds for the development of musical and creative abilities of children of primary school age in the process of theatrical activities carried out in the conditions of additional education. Material and methods. To identify the status of the problem of musical-creative development of children in terms of further education and its solution used the method of analysis of psycho-pedagogical and methodological literature and empirical methods, allowing to develop and test creative task for the participants of the musical-theatre group. Results and discussion. The study clarifies the content and structural components of the concept of “musical and creative abilities”, including General musical, special musical (cognitive, performing, creative) and individual creative abilities of children (empathy, artistry, emotionality, imaginative nature of thinking, etc.). Methodical recommendations for teachers describe the phased organization of classes in the school theater (motivational, content and procedural components), the most effective methods of musical and creative development of students, based on the age and individual characteristics of younger students, as well as consistent with the synthetic nature of the musical theater genre and the collective form of co-creation of the teacher and students. Conclusion. The development of musical and creative abilities of primary school students by means of school theater depends on the organization of the educational process, based on the complex application of creative tasks aimed at the formation of each structural component of these abilities separately, as well as their synthesis. An effective form of instruction in school theater from the point of view of additional education of children is rehearsal of musical and theatrical performances, in which not only the musical, creative and cultural development of the personality of students takes place, the formation of a group of like-minded people.
Keywords: school theater, musical and creative abilities, musical and theatrical performances, additional education
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 48 — 55
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