DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-1-16-23
Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the actual problem of development of the International educational program “Step by Step”. The analysis of sociological, psychological, pedagogical, methodical works of famous domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners allowed to consider the historical and pedagogical aspects of the problem of development of this program, both abroad and in Russia and Kazakhstan. Material and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of use of theoretical and empirical methods, the main of which was the analysis of interaction of participants of educational process and research is based on the lessons of science and math in elementary school. This work was carried out in three stages. The first stage was to determine the main theoretical and methodological provisions for the problem, analyzed the degree of its study, defined the General provisions. The second stage was to identify the features of the application of “Step by Step” in the classroom model of primary school. The third stage was to analyze the effectiveness of children’s education using the technology “Step by Step”. Results and discussion. The comparative analysis allowed to consider the historical and pedagogical aspects of the problem of development of this program abroad, in Russia and Kazakhstan, as well as to justify the validity of the use of the term technology in relation to”Step by Step”. The presented analysis of the concepts “technology”, “educational technology”, “pedagogical technology” proves the possibility of using the term “technology” with respect to “Step by Step”. Much attention is paid to the problem of social competence of the modern primary school student and its development in primary school. Conclusion. Historical and pedagogical analysis of the development of “Step by Step” allows us to understand the essence and main idea of this technology. The goal of the educational process is the development of a child’s personality, its individuality, uniqueness, based on beliefs and faith, with the features of own “internal world model”, the structure of subjective experience, where the subject relations are based on the principles of individualization, cooperation, partnership and freedom of choice activities. The use of technology “Step by Step” increases the value of learning through a fundamentally new democratic approach that meets the standards of today and promotes dynamic cooperation of all parties to the educational process, during which there is an individual improvement.
Keywords: technology, international program, comparative analysis, «Step by Step», primary school
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 16 — 23
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