DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-8-105-110
Introduction. The study of the issues of social and pedagogical support of students in the conditions of a modern university; the study of their expectations in this regard is because all students need such support. Students of pedagogical areas are especially in dire need, the majority of whom, as a rule, come from a family of teachers who themselves need strong social support from the state. The problem is compounded by the fact that in the Kyrgyz Republic issues of supporting pedagogy have not been studied both theoretically and practically. Material and methods. Based on the foregoing, the purpose of the article is to determine the essence and content of the socio-pedagogical support of students, to reflect their expectations in this regard and to determine further ways of implementing the considered aspect in the preparation of teaching staff. The study used theoretical and empirical methods (analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature on the topic, observation, survey, interviews, questionnaires, the study of documentation and experience in organizing students’ life at four universities of the Kyrgyz Republic). All these methods were used to study the state of the theory of socio-pedagogical support and the expectations of students in the conditions of a modern university. Results and discussion. Studying the problem of social and pedagogical support of students shows that modern students who study at the pedagogical faculties of universities of the Kyrgyz Republic need social and pedagogical support. That means: pedagogical assistance in organizing students’ life, enhancement of culture of behavior in a multinational environment, developing leadership qualities, psycho-pedagogical assistance in establishing contacts in the student environment, etc., on which the effectiveness of training future teaching staff in a university depends. Conclusion. The results of the study show that the problem of social and pedagogical support for students today remains one of the important aspects of the activities of universities, as it is related to providing assistance in the social, educational, spiritual development of students and is one of the important conditions for the preparation of future teachers and their social development.
Keywords: students, social support, pedagogical support, students’ expectations, influence of the educational environment, pedagogical branches, training of future teachers
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Issue: 8, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 105 — 110
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