DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-8-48-54
Introduction. The relevance of the subject is proved by priorities of the development of modern education getting a special role in training and education of the studying youth. Introduction of the renewed educational standards in educational process promotes qualitative change of model of the educational environment, giving it a developing effect, first of all because under the conditions of comprehensive and natural influence of this environment, a productive solution to certain problems of the individual’s development is possible. The purpose of the study is to identify the essence and role of the model of a developing educational environment as an interactive space that contributes to the achievement of personal and social maturity of students. Material and methods. As theoretical justification of the studied problem served the approved pedagogical systems – prototype of modern models of the educational circle of the Kaluga teachers and scientists who stated the innovative ideas concerning the organization and didactic maintenance of educational process, integration of training and labor education, a game as an apprenticeship socialization factor. The main methods of a research were retrospective and the content analysis, modeling of innovative pedagogical systems. Results and discussion. Interpretations of concepts proposed by Kaluga innovators are given: “pedagogy of the environment”, “full-time school”, which represents the conceptual creation of an educational space based on the principles of an open school. It is noted that process of assimilation of knowledge, as well as ways of its achievement by students, entirely depends on professionalism of the teacher, ability to create the developing training environment with its components – active training, formation of the steady educational cognitive interest of the young personality motivating it to continuous self-development. Much attention is paid to the education of labor skills among students; labor becomes the most important factor in acquiring the valuable and active meaning of life. Conclusion. The conclusion concerning a wide range of possibilities of the developing educational environment optimizing teaching and educational process in educational institutions is drawn. It has been established that with all the variability of the models of the developing educational environment, the optimal one is where a high-quality educational process, a positive emotional climate, and, as a result, self-development and self-improvement of the student’s personality are provided.
Keywords: model of the developing educational environment, innovative methods of training, environment pedagogics, school of full day, educational cognitive interest
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Issue: 8, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 48 — 54
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