DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-8-39-47
Introduction. Considering the problems with graphical training and formation of graphical culture of secondary school students is timely and relevant due to reducing the number of teaching hours devoted to the study of graphic disciplines. In this regard, to search for new opportunities and develop educational-methodical support for improving the quality of graphics education of students in high school is of high interest now. The aim of this study is to identify the general level of students’ graphical culture, importance of the graphical training course in the secondary school, as well as to identify ways and means to enhance the graphic education of the students. Material and methods. Research materials, used in this study, are the data collected from the literature on graphic culture and graphical preparation of students, and education process in secondary school. In this study we used general scientific analysis methods: synthesis, comparison, surveillance and questioning, interrogating and performing graphic assignments by the students. Results and discussion. We defined the term “graphic culture” in the context of this study, determined the structural components of graphic culture, the stages of graphic education of high school students, examined the ways and means of improving the quality of graphic preparation, in particular, by studying the “Technology” course. We have provided detailed information on pedagogical and psychological counseling and the implementation of graphic assignments by students. Conclusion. We have proposed the following strategies for better accumulation of graphic knowledge and skills during secondary school studying. First, to use the structural-logical schema when studying different subjects. Second, to include the graphic disciplines to the list of complementary courses, elective courses, and as additional education of secondary school students. Third, to pay a special attention to graphic education at the classes on technology, purposefully forming students’ knowledge and skills in reading and making of drawings, sketches, diagrams, as well as of a general aesthetic perception of the objects of surrounding world.
Keywords: graphic culture, graphical preparation of students, graphic disciplines, teaching-methodical maintenance, computer technology
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Issue: 8, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 39 — 47
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