DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-5-95-101
Introduction. Virtual discourse is in constant motion and development, the discursive parameters have undergone significant changes over the past 10 years. The composition of internet genres is also unstable: the functions of genres change, the process of integration of different genres takes place, as well as differentiation – it is when we highlight many subtypes in the limits of one genre. In this article we are going to explore the genre of news meme, which is one of the varieties of Internet memes. The aim of this article is to describe the specifics of news meme as an Internet genre in comparison to the news genre. Materials and methods. During the analysis of material we used general scientific and proper linguistic methods of research, such as: descriptive method, comparative method, methods of interpretation and classification, method of continuous and differentiated sampling. The material for the study was the publications posted on the social network VKontakte (61 news memes). Results and discussion. The news meme was analyzed according to the model proposed by T. V. Shmeleva, a comparative analysis was conducted with the “news” genre: 1. The communicative aim of news meme is, as a rule, of negative kind, while the news genre is usually of informative kind. 2. The author of the news is a journalist and a professional. The author of the news meme is stylized as an ordinary person and a public opinion holder. There is no distance between the author of the news meme and the addressee. 3. The factor of the past for news is an event, which we have to report to the addressee. For a meme, the factor of the past is the text of the news. 4. The factor of the future is an optional element for news. News is an all-sufficient text. For a news meme, the future factor is a required element, presented in the form of comments. 5. Dictum for news genre is an event which happened in real world. Dictum for a news meme is social, economic and other problems associated with this event. As a rule, this connection is formal. 6. Formal organization. The structure of news meme has four parts: announcement of main news, link to the source, illustration and comments. The carnival beginning of the meme is realized in the illustration, where in an unexpected way it reveals what was stated in the announcement. Conclusion. After systemazing and generalizing the described parameters we can give the definition to the genre. News meme is a secondary Internet genre, which we base on the news text and which raises the acute social, political, ethical problems in an ironical form and which we stylize to the opinion of the masses of people.
Keywords: Internet meme, Internet discourse, virtual discourse, news meme, Internet genre, secondary genre
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Issue: 5, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 95 — 101
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