DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-4-138-149
Introduction. The specificity of the somatic code of culture as one of the most ancient is described. The research interest in its verbal representation is substantiated. Aim and objectives. The purpose of the article is to reveal the discursive-genre specificity of realization of the code function of somatism in the Russian folk lyrical song. Material and methods. The analysis is based on the material of 317 texts of of the genre under study, selected from folklore collections. The research methods are determined by the specificity of folk discourse, the peculiarities of ditties and lyrical songs as folklore genres with a pronounced lyrical principle, and the genre specificity of lyrical songs. As a methodological substantiation of the research, a comparison of lyrical songs and ditties are given in the aspect of identifying features important for identifying the specifics of the implementation of the code function of somatism. Results and discussion. Quantitative analysis of somatisms in the lyrical song showed that their composition corresponds to the composition of similar units in the ditty, which is justified by the structure of the general cultural somatic code and the proximity of the compared genres. The list of high-frequency units in the lyrical song is wider, which indicates the genre specificity that distinguishes the lyrical song from the ditty in the aspect of the repertoire of broadcast emotions and feelings. The specificity of the principles of organization and content of the somatic code in the lyrical song in comparison with the ditty is illustrated by the analysis of the use of somatism hand. The assumption of a genre-conditioned orientation of the lyrical song for a more detailed than in a ditty, prescription of somatic reactions and sensations, feelings reflecting the installation to the direct description of emotions and feelings, is confirmed. Conclusion. The analysis showed that the content and principles of the somatic code organization in the lyrical song, firstly, are based on its appeal to the national values, symbolically represented in the nominations of human body parts, which is typical for the folklore discourse as a whole. Secondly, in the lyrical song, the examined code acquires genre specificity, which is most pronounced when it is compared with the ditty. As a result of their comparison, it was found that somatisms participate in the transmission of emotions and feelings, which are transmitted through the description of the somatic reactions and sensations of the characters, both in the ditty and in the lyric song. Unlike ditty, in lyrical song repertoire of emotions and feelings realized by means of somatism is wider. IMoreover, these emotions appear as more generalized - on the one hand, but described in more detail - on the other.
Keywords: folk discourse, lyrical song, somatism, somatic code, genre and discourse specific
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 138 — 149
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