DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-4-7-13
The concept ‘Arrogance’ has a complex nature represented by script and image forms. In this article, I analyze the script component of the concept in the Russian language. I analyze the main components of the mental script of arrogant person’s behavior and attitude on the material taken from the National Corpus of the Russian Language. These elements include the agent, causes, action, aim, estimation and emotional components. I use corpus-based linguistics methods and model-based inquiry in my research. The agent is a person. The causes of arrogant attitude and behavior belong to two groups: a wish to oppose oneself to other people and a wish to isolate oneself from them. The more specific reasons for such opposition are ancestry, age, power, place of residence, nationality, wealth, position, knowledge and experience, membership in closed societies, spiritual development, and success. The reason of self-isolation from other people is a fear of possible psychological trauma, which people can cause. Verbs describing arrogant attitude or behavior can either have ‘arrogance’ component in their lexical meaning or be neutral. They characterize manner of speech, gestures, body language and arrogant person’s manner of looking at people. The aim of arrogant behavior is either opposing oneself to other people or selfisolation. The object of arrogant attitude is surrounding people. Estimation and emotional components are contradictory and depend on whether people understand the reason of arrogant attitude or behavior or not. Thus, the script of arrogant attitude and behavior has a double nature depending on the type of cause and aim, but the actions are the same in both cases. A person influences other people with the help of body language and manner of speech. People have a negative reaction to such behavior unless they understand the arrogant person’s fear of possible psychological trauma; in this case, the reaction can be sympathy or pity.
Keywords: concept, linguistic world view, mental script, agent, cause, object, aim, estimation component, emotional component
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 7 — 13
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