DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-3-69-76
Introduction. The main point of the paper is innovative changes in education. The authors suppose that the initiator and the mechanism of these changes may become the master training at the pedagogical university. In this case, this training needs a structural and content transformation, the essential elements of which are presented in the thematic blocks of this article. Results and discussion. Selection of the field of communications as a metasubject activity becomes a challenge for professional training, encourages a rethinking of the educational work, which is consistent with the second stage of higher education. These include the creation in the master’s program of innovatively oriented training programs in which new forms of knowledge and educational interaction will be tested. Such a form is in line with the development and implementation of the visual epistemology in the educational process, as well as with the use of metadisciplinary semiotic structures in the design of the educational process. It is proved that it is impossible to acquire new metasubject competence in the context of the implementation of traditional didactic schemes. Conclusion. The contents offered by the authors are not ready-made solutions, but are sets of heuristics aimed at actualizing the discussion about the meaning and purpose of the master’s level of teacher training. The proposed modification assumes the creation of design-development directions (programs and training courses) at the institute of magistracy, in which innovative orientation acts both as a goal and as a content of education. The learning content includes two substructural elements: deconstructive and constructive. A form of their implementation is the joint activity of participants in the educational process.
Keywords: innovative education, master training, visual epistemology, metasubject practical competency, fictional semiotic designs, case study
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 69 — 76
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