DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-8-231-237
The article provides practical examples of using an interdisciplinary approach to solving typical tasks in biology and new algorithmic approaches to determining the kinetic parameters of simple reactions in chemistry. It examines the appropriate methods to use the most common MS Excel toolkit to obtain more exact solutions of the considered tasks for the extended type values of the type of mathematical models of the desired parameters. Presents the teaching methods and practical examples of solving problems in the field of biology and chemistry which were implemented in the framework of an interdisciplinary approach, as well as their study of mathematics and computer science. The importance of interdisciplinary study with mathematical modeling of the processes that predict a change of state in biological and chemical systems is shown. These considerations contribute to the enhancement of knowledge and research, including when solving the problems by replacing numerical data with mathematical expressions. At the same time, problem analysis, solution methods, adequate assessment, visualization and interpretation of results are required. The presented practical approach effectively contributes to the implementation of the educational standard with the formation of graduates’ competencies, focused on the willingness to independently solve the research problems and self-development throughout the life.
Keywords: interdisciplinary studying, pedagogical activity, practical methods, MS Excel spreadsheets, mathematical models, population dynamics, predator-prey model, physical chemistry, rate constant, reaction order
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Issue: 8, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 231 — 237
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