DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-8-196-204
In the article we identify the most important milestones in the history of the study of literary ability. Further, we present the points of view of both international and Russian authors, which reflect scientific approaches to studying phenomenology and structure of literary abilities. Literary ability is defined as a set of special abilities that enable to implement creative literary activities successfully. We show that the literary ability is a complex psychological construct, which covers various sides of a writer’s personality. Biographical, analytical and experimental research of various authors convincingly demonstrated ambiguity, broad variability of components of literary ability and their structural differences. Definite individual structure of literary ability is specific for creative individuality. The structure depends on the availability of components and the degree of their development. Components of literary and creative abilities are a complex mental construct which performs as effect of generalizing intellectual activity. The activity preforms by means of language and is formed during the literary creative activity. The personal characteristics of the subject and individual psychological characteristics of mental processes do not determine the presence or absence of literary ability. The characteristics are the structural components of literary ability.
Keywords: capacity, literary ability, literary talent, literary creativity, literary activities, psychology of creativity, identity of the writer, writer
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Issue: 8, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 196 — 204
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