DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-8-121-128
The article deals with the concept of a text task and its role in the mathematics course of primary school. The peculiarities and objectives of the mathematics lesson in a correctional school of the VIII type are revealed. The main contradictions that confirm the formulation of the problem of forming skills to solve text tasks by younger students with disabilities (for example mental retardation) are identified. Difficulties of building a simple reasoning when performing mathematical tasks by younger pupils of the correctional school are analyzed. Allocated and justified psychological and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the optimal formation of skills in solving text tasks by pupils with developmental delays. It describes the steps of the joint work of a teacher and a child on solving text tasks as tools for the most effective assimilation of trainees and educational programs and inclusive spaces in the educational institution. Considers the features of modeling in the process of solving constituent problems and general methods of teaching primary school children with delays in development of the solution of text tasks. Modeling is presented as an open co-reflexive actions of all participants of educational space. In the review of literature on the research topic selected educational material for analysis. Makes practical recommendations on solving and composing text tasks for teachers of correctional schools. The positive results of the work done.
Keywords: disabilities, mental retardation, teaching math, text task
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Issue: 8, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 121 — 128
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