DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-8-110-114
The process of modeling the system of continuous pedagogical education, its description at the pre-university (propaedeutic) level is shown. The project of this model with an emphasis on the use of such modern pedagogical technology as a professional test is presented. The pedagogical, diagnostic, orientation and acmeological potential of this technology is revealed. On the basis of the analysis of the theory and practice of pre-professional training of high school students to teaching identified the possibility of its integration into the content of the pedagogical classes. The experience of implementation of the model and analysis of its effectiveness in the practice of pedagogical classes (on the example of a joint project of the Federal state educational institution of higher education “Tomsk State Pedagogical University and municipal autonomous educational institution «secondary school №30 of Tomsk» «Socio-pedagogical class»). According to the results of the initial testing of the proposed model, the author formulated a number of conclusions: the importance of compliance with the principle of free professional self-determination of high school students, and therefore, the system should be very flexible and allow to build an individual route of professional development for each student; the effectiveness of the model largely depends on the structure of mechanisms of interaction of organizations-stakeholders (teacher training colleges and universities, schools, institutions of additional education of children, etc.) and all stakeholders. Taking into account these conclusions, the author identifies the need to adjust and refine the model proposed by him, and also outlines the prospects for further research on this topic in the context of building a system at the levels of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate studies.
Keywords: professional training, pedagogical education, professional probation, pedagogical class, high school students, profile training, pre-university training, professional self-determination and career guidance
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Issue: 8, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 110 — 114
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