DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-8-79-86
The article considers the functional possibilities of the prezens in German. The analysis was carried out in a diachronic aspect, beginning with the Old High German period and ending with the modern state of German. It is shown what functions were peculiar to the prezens at the time of its formation, which appeared in later periods and which are used at the present stage of development of the given language. For this purpose have been studied the literary monuments of the Old High German and Middle High German periods, the Germanic epic Nibelungenlied. The modern functional potential of prezens is studied on the basis of German newspapers Die Welt and Moskauer deutsche Zeitung. The article uses as the main descriptive, comparative-historical, quantitative methods of investigation. The urgency of the work is due to the ambiguous approach in linguistics to the functional differentiation of the German prezens. In this article its most frequent functions are scientifically substantiated and described. In these German-language newspapers a frequent phenomenon is actual, usual and futuristic prezens. Culturologically, this situation is due to the fact that the Germans attach great importance to the present, and they are characterized by their aspirations for the future. In addition, in modern publicistic speech a tendency is revealed that consists in the combined functioning of prezens in the interaction of frequency functions. The conducted research as a whole expands the scientific understanding of the functional significance of the prezens in the German language.
Keywords: prezens, functionality, functions, frequency of use, historical grammar, prezens, moments of speech, public speech
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Issue: 8, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 79 — 86
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