DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-8-56-61
The main traditional and modern approaches to the research of a simple sentence structure are considered. In traditional linguistics the simple sentence is studied from positions of the logical, psychological, structural and functional approaches. The logical approach having come from Aristotle’s works operates with terms of logic: a subject, a predicate which are considered as components of a thought structure. The psychological approach goes back to works of neogrammarians. In the psychological approach a sentence is considered as linguistic expression of combination of psychological concepts in perception of a speaker and as the instrument of generation of these concepts and their binding in perception of a listener. The structural and functional approach includes the theory of actual division of the sentence, the theory of communicative dynamism and the theory of informative structure of a sentence. The actual division means division of the sentence into the starting point (basis) of a statement and the core of a statement. According to the adherents of the second theory, there is communicative dynamism in each element of the sentence and the degree of communicative dynamism is directly connected with the status of this element in the theme and rheme structure of a sentence. According to the third theory, informative structure of a statement and thematic structure are different, though they are interconnected by the levels of communicative and semantic structure of a statement. The researches on syntax in cognitive and functional aspects as well as study of the sentence structure from positions of generative grammar are widely spread in modern linguistics.
Keywords: simple sentence, structure, communicative division of a sentence actual division of a sentence, informatiove structure of a sentence, argument structure
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Issue: 8, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 56 — 61
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