DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-7-182-189
The problem of searching for effective means for the development of the psychological and pedagogical culture of primary school teachers is considered. The study of this problem was carried out in the context of the requirements of the professional standard of teacher and the federal state educational standard of primary general education, which imply the presence of deep psychological and pedagogical knowledge among teachers of primary classes and their confident application in practical pedagogical activity. Specificity of professional activity of primary school teachers of a modern general educational organization is revealed. Proceeding from this fact, the concept of “psychological and pedagogical culture of primary school teachers” is defined. Features of the methodological service at the municipal level are shown. The interpretation of the concept of “municipal methodological service” is given. Its possibilities for the development of the psychological and pedagogical culture of primary school teachers are determined. Pedagogical conditions that contribute to the successful development of the psychological and pedagogical culture of primary school teachers in the educational space of the municipal methodic service are established and described. The data of the forming experiment confirming the effectiveness of the pedagogical conditions for the development of the psychological and pedagogical culture of primary school teachers within the framework of the municipal methodical service are given.
Keywords: primary school teacher, general educational organization, psychological and pedagogical culture, municipal methodological service, development of psychological and pedagogical culture
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Issue: 7, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 182 — 189
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