DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-7-92-95
The article deals with the method of moral dilemmas used for development of communicative competence in foreign language teaching at higher school. The author pays special attention to the need of stimulation of any speech activity of students with the aim of clarifying of the unexpectedly appeared misunderstanding. The author underlines that showing oneself in the discussion, regardless of the language knowledge and skills and having no fear of making a mistake, is an invaluable experience for speaking. The author presents the examples of moral dilemmas used in teaching English at higher school and the stages of the work with them and gives specific recommendation on it. While describing the work with dilemmas, the author points out the importance of correct determination of size and gender composition of the groups and the possibility of discussing moral dilemmas by the students having different level of the language. The author comes to the conclusion that the discussion of moral dilemmas in the classroom while teaching foreign languages at higher education institution not only contributes to the understanding of moral values and qualities, but also develops language skills, fluency of speech, speech accuracy; it improves pronunciation and interaction with a partner.
Keywords: communicative competence, morals, moral dilemmas, discussion of moral dilemmas, foreign language learning
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Issue: 7, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 92 — 95
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