DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-7-25-32
The paper is focused on the cognitive peculiarities of the verbless (or nominal) imperative sentences in the modern English-speaking advertising discourse. It is reported in the text that the analyzed imperative constructions are reviewed in the field of conceptual grammar which researches grammatical concepts (or cognitive images) that lie behind the linguistic signs and are reflected in grammatical forms, categories and syntactic structures. The article deals with the syntactic concepts which are represented in the language by the means of the very syntactic structures. The study is aimed at identifying and describing the mental constructs of knowledge that are verbalized in verbless one-member sentences in the English-speaking advertising slogans. They help to summarise the main idea of the advertisement to the fullest extent possible. The use of verbless constructions in the advertising texts is connected with linguistic economy and with a special effect of a nominal structures on a reader. The relevance is determined not only by the growing interest in the study of advertising discourse but by the use of the methodology of the new research paradigms. In conclusion it is noted that the factual material allowed to set up five basic syntactic concepts, verbalized in verbless one-member sentences in advertising discourse, taking into account morphological characteristic of the head element of the sentence.
Keywords: verbless imperative sentences, advertising discourse, conceptual grammar, syntactic concept
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Issue: 7, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 25 — 32
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