DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-2-162-168
The article is devoted to the problem of textual activity in the Russian classes of high school. The purpose of the study is to justify the need to work with the text in the Russian language lessons to develop the communicative skills of high school students. The current requirements to the subject results of studying the field of «Philology» are being clarified. In the light of requirements of Federal State Educational Standard to the level of development of oral and written speech of the graduates, development of communicative abilities of students is becoming a priority. Among them are the skills of communication and understanding and generation of the texts. It is specified that communication is a text activity. The «text-centered» approach in teaching language is concretized. The skills of text activity are among the main indicators of the general culture of a language personality. Different ways of working with the text at the stage of preparation for the unified state exam in the Russian language and in the process of teaching essay are described. The results of experimental work on teaching essay in high school are presented. Practical recommendations for the analysis of essays are given. It is emphasized that the practice of teaching essays can be an alternative to the system of preparation for part C of the unified state examination in the Russian language, and also to significantly diversify the activity of the teacher-grammarian in developing communicative skills of students. The literary examples are chosen to prepare students for the unified state examination essay and to teach essays. The conclusion is that the work on the text contributes to the formation of language, linguistic and communicative competence, provides an organic unity with the knowledge of the system, the structure and development of speech.
Keywords: text, text-centered approach, textual activity, essay text, communication skills, speech practice
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 162 — 168
Downloads: 815