DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-2-153-156
The article deals with the aspects of language training of foreign students in the context of obtaining professional education in Russia. It analyzes the reasons for the difficulties of foreign students studying in the Russian language, describes the complexity in understanding of professionally oriented courses (including lectures). To solve these problems on the basis of the principles of comparative linguistics and cultural coincidences / discrepancies it is proposed to use the comparative method as the most effective inclusion of active methods of teaching students with different levels of knowledge of the Russian language, which will contribute to the formation of adequate language competence for professional education in Russia. The solution to this problem can act as a specially organized language training, focused on targeted improvement of language education of foreign students to the level of their Russian-speaking fellow students, actively developed in modern methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language. How productive and effective it showed itself developed more didactic job on the comparison and analysis of pronouns in the Russian language with the lexical units of the same functionality in native Chinese language. Proposes the variants of using the comparative method in combination with the project types of educational activities in the study of Russian as a foreign language in the the audience of Chinese students, for example pronouns that allows you to expand including practical didactic support of the course of Russian as a foreign language.
Keywords: active learning methods, project activities, comparative method, comparative linguistics, language learning, Russian as a foreign language
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 153 — 156
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