DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-2-127-142
In today’s social interaction it is widely represented the sphere of conflict communication, which is a reflection of the existence in the society of a stable tendency to understanding the aggression as the permissible norms of hostile demonstrations, potentially punishable act inappropriately interpreted the notions of freedom and personal responsibility. Careful attention of scientists focused on the study of network communication in various forms of embodiment of its genre, in particular, - the correspondence of many social network users. The article presents an analysis of the characteristics of communicative behavior of linguistic identity focused on the implementation of hostile manipulative strategies in relation to others in the network correspondence. Such linguistic identity is defined as the conflict on the basis of a number of parameters, of which the key factor is in favor of communicative intention. In particular, it comes to speech and means to achieve them in a communicative activity of a troll as a carrier of the type of conflict. The essence of trolling - communicative actions of a troll - consists in placing provocative messages on the network in order to create conflict situations. Trolling can have different manifestations, from a «harmless» for the participants in the communication of a verbal clash about certain events and / or individuals, to «hard» forms associated with causing moral harm to the interaction of participants. A motivating base of actions in the network can be the troll’s desire for emotional satisfaction from spilling out negative emotions against other communicators, aggressive and hostile manipulations, shocks. Troll promotes creation of provocation incitement in the communicative field by moving from discussion of social issues to personality of interaction participants. Such course of action, of course, entails a response. Troll can be seen in groups, discussing a variety of topics and issues and contemporary life. However, this discussion speaks only about the reason for a troll to «catch» and then, from the replica to the replica to deploy negative-emotional «onslaught» on the interlocutors. A natural result of becoming a failure in communication or its complete cessation. The specificity of the troll’s network behavior allows us to talk about its potential responsibility in the field of ethical and legal relations. This is facilitated by the factors: firstly, the deployment of manipulative trolling actions for specific network participants’ correspondence; secondly, active use in speech of stylistically reduced and obscene words, performing the function of invective. Given the above, it can be argued that the 6l.
Keywords: linguistic personality of conflict type, electronic genre, electronic epistolary text, network correspondence, troll, trolling, verbal aggression
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 127 — 142
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