DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-2-103-108
The article is devoted to the explanation of the actuality and innovation of the issues of complex linguistic study of Laowai network jargon – the language of Russian expats in China Internet communication. On the background studies of the Russian language in Eastern countries and Russian-Chinese frontier, discusses the history of the issue. The author proves the uniqueness as compared to the historically previous and compared to other contemporary bilingual (e.g. English-Russian), the situation of interaction between Russian and Chinese cultures in the discourse of virtual Russian Diaspora. The expats have no plans for assimilation in new community and the situation of a balanced linguistic partnerships between typologically radically different languages with approximately equal reputational status determine the specifics and dynamics of the reception of the Chinese language and culture. Chinese ksenonims in laowai substandart have a dual functionality. On the one hand, they, being jargon lexical substrate, perform all inherent in the jargon vocabulary of functions: identification, password, evaluative, expressive, creative. On the other hand, being other cultures lexical substrate, they are the main guides to the world of language, which has secondary cultural orientation, language, turned into the area of foreign language culture. A comprehensive analysis of the language network communication of Russian expats in China has great potential from the perspective of Internet linguistics and discourse studies, contact and comparative linguistics, cultural linguistics and intercultural communication, studies of the Russian language abroad and jargon studies.
Keywords: the language of Russian expats in China, laowai network jargon, the language situation, the Russian and Chinese linguistic culture, ksenonym
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 103 — 108
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