DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-2-99-102
The article deals with lexicographic material, which allows seeing the features of the concept both in diachrony and in synchrony. There is doubt that dictionaries in Russian and Chinese as lexicographic materials help us to see the semantic and derivational efficiency of the concept and its segments in full. Meanwhile the lexical meanings fixed in the dictionary are what people have in mind when they use the word. Fate is one the most important categories of consciousness, through which a national conceptual picture of the world is built in Russia and in China; therefore comparative analysis of the concept fate in Russian and Chinese is of interest all over the world. In the article we use the comparative analysis method and reveal the similarities and differences in their meanings in Chinese and Russian explanatory dictionaries to disclose different concepts of fate from the root in Chinese and Russian. Through analysis it is concluded that such values as, for example, the will of God, the higher power, fate, lot, stake, fate are characteristic of both languages, while the definitions of order, superstition, development and change are peculiar only to the Chinese language, and the court, the court of God, the verdict – exclusively to the Russian language.
Keywords: semantic and derivational productivity, lexical meaning recorded in the dictionary, destiny, national conceptual picture of the world, comparative analysis method
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 99 — 102
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