DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-2-91-98
The significance of research is attributed to the constant attention of linguists paid to the discourse of women’s prose and to the usage of the components of functional-semantic categories, including the category «comparativeness», in the language of artistic works. The article considers the participation of different structural comparisons in the description of the female characters in the novel The Kukotsky Enigma by Lyudmila Ulitskaya. The structural diversity of comparisons is presented within the functional-semantic field of comparativeness. All forms of comparatives are present in the language of the novel, with conjunctional comparisons by similarity prevailing. From comparisons on the difference, there are forms of comparative and negative parallelisms. The gender approach to describing femininely marked comparatives facilitates to identify idiostyle characteristics of the writer, namely the tendency to extend and concretize the image of comparison, the usage of comparisons for the comparison of heroines, the author’s boldness and frankness of comparative images as well as the images’ allusiveness, and axiological differences between feminine comparisons in the speech of the characters and in the author’s speech. The article pays attention to the text-forming function of comparatives in the broad sense in the language of the novel The Kukotsky Enigma by Lуudmila Ulitskaya, namely to «the correlation of the tropes and realities».
Keywords: gender, feminine comparison, the methods of expressing the semantic category «comparativeness», allusions, Ulitskaya’s novel The Kukotsky Enigma
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 91 — 98
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