DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-2-68-74
The article contains generalization of experiments’ results, which were based on methods of scalling and addition of suggestions; analysis of influence of public language personality’s voice and appearance in the the audio-visual form of the author’s media text spread; research of the results of informants’ modelling of author’s verbal portrait including indication of his age, social status, education, interests, peculiarities of appearance, character. Linguistic and extralinguistic factors affecting the interaction of the public language personality and the media environment have been identified. It was determined that media text’s name, its placement (informational plot) and idea are of the most important characteristics, that have an influence on media text’s effect on collective language personality of young people (the informants were the students of philological faculty at the age of 18-20 years old). It was found out that outward of public language personality and usage of figurative means and rhetorical devices during media discourse perception are the most significant characteristics for this category of informants. Audio-visual channel of media text spread considerably broadens spectrum of its influrnce on collective language personality according to the results of experiments. Special importance acquire voice characteristics of media text’s author (timbre, time, volume, intonation, pause, logical stress), which allow to perceive sense accents of an author, his emotions and assessments sufficiently. Outward of media text the author and his nonverbal behavior (gestures, mimicry, outfit) as special discursive factors are also significant for media text influence on collective language personality and modelling of different author’s peculiarities by addressee, that is of great importance for comprehension of author’s position verbalized in a text. In terms of influence of media text in the case of its written form of its distribution the key role belongs to a theme, which is dedicated to, and to author’s position, explicated verbally. The received results are of interest for the theory of speech influence, media linguistics, communicative stylistics of text.
Keywords: media text, media discourse, language personality, experimental methods
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 68 — 74
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