DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-2-61-67
The article points to research of language representation of a media communicative universal – a law of pragmatically and intentionally conditional variety of textual activity in interpretation of informational reason in mass media. Media communicative universal is defined by the author as a law and its realizing principles of textual organization, which reflect informational reason as an element of media communication and meet the criteria for frequency and repetition. Specific character of actualization of textual activity variety in interpretation of informational reason in mass media on the example of media text in the genre of news was revealed. Based on the news materials from the informational portal “Echo of Moscow” on the launch of intercontinental ballistic missile of DPRK on 28-th of November 2017 as an actual informational reason, the following principles concerning realization of such communicative universal were examined: 1) multivariety of world pictures of different native speakers and translators of information; 2) polyphony of dialogically conditional discursive practice connected with informational reason including change of communicative roles, tactics and strategies of subjects in the process of media communication; 3) social self-representation and creative self-actualization of sources and translators of informational reason in mass media. It was determined that in realization of the law of pragmatically and intentionally conditional variety of textual activity in interpretation of informational reason in mass media the connecting elements are repeated key words and markers of events, which became actual informational reason for interpretation in mass media: toponyms, anthroponyms, names of events, temporal vocabulary, dates, different actualization of space category. Variation in news texts is realized on the level of citation; means of subjective modality expression including social estimation; it’s revealed in actualization of sources of information; in degree of its concretization and peculiarities of different aspects of informational reason’s concentration.
Keywords: media communicative universal, media discourse, media text, textual activity, news
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8. Ballisticheskaya raketa, zapushchennaya KNDR, posle 50 minut poleta upala v isklyuchitel’noy ekonomicheskoy zone Yaponii [Intercontinental ballistic missile launched by DPRK fell down in sole economic zone of Japan after 50 minutes of flight]. 28.11.2017. URL: [Accessed1 December 2017] (in Russian).
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24. KNDR ob”yavila o sozdanii gosudarstvennykh yadernykh sil [DPRK announced generation of nuclear forces]. 29.11.2017. URL: (Accessed 1 December 2017) (in Russian).
Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 61 — 67
Downloads: 789