DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-2-41-47
The theory of nomination still has many open questions to be thoroughly studied and gaps to be filled. Contextual synonymy is one of those fields that need closer look at the processes and mechanisms of creating new naming units or adding new meanings to the existing ones. This article represents the results of the research on the phenomenon of contextual synonymy in its semantic, stylistic and functional aspects. Contextual synonyms are viewed as examples of alternate nomination. The distinction is made between language synonyms and contextual ones. Their comparative occurrence within football subdiscourse is studied. As follows from the results of the analysis of more than 200 articles and running commentaries there is a variety of regularly used clichés which are based on specific recurrent semantic schemes. Typical patterns for creating contextual synonyms as examples of secondary nomination of football teams and players are derived from above mentioned semantic schemes. To prove their existence the author provides a considerable amount of examples. Alongside with the cliché variants there are many occasional cases of creating contextual synonyms that are unique in their nature. It is observed which part of speech is exposed to stronger contextual multiplication, particularly noun or verb groups. Further on the author analyses specific aspects of using contextual synonyms and determines their functions in the text.
Keywords: contextual synonymy, language synonyms, contextual synonyms, contextual synonymic row, semantic schemes
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 41 — 47
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