DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-2-27-33
The article describes the natural time in the idiolect of the Siberian old-timer as one of the forms of physical time. It presents the results of studying the properties of physical time: length and sequence. The article contains a description of two time models: linear and cyclic. Natural time represents a cyclic time model based on the change of natural phenomena. The article proves that natural time has high significance for the bearer of traditional culture, since it organizes various aspects of peasant life. It describes the annual cycle, which consists of 4 seasons. Annual cycle regulates the everyday life and work activity, a certain place in it is assigned for each type of work. Weather conditions also play an organizing role in the life of a rural resident working on the land, because the success of peasant work depends on the weather. Peasant works, their relevance / irrelevance necessarily correlate with the folk’s calendar, which regulates the life of peasants during the year and reflects the observations of the people over natural changes and weather phenomena. The article shows the influence of the daily cycle on the daily routine of the informant. Agricultural labor depends on the solar cycle: the work traditionally began with the sunrise and ended at sunset. The article also notes the axiological aspect: the dialect language personality negatively assesses the violation of established norms, leading to a change in folk culture.
Keywords: idiolect, dialect language personality, time, folk speech culture, natural time, physical time, weather, annual cycle, daily cycle, folk calendar
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 27 — 33
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