DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-2-9-13
The article investigates an important modern publishing strategy – a literary collection of stories concentrated on one theme and introducing the reader to a wide range of contemporary writers. The theme of the city is a text dominant in two analyzed books («Moscow: the meeting place» (2017) and «To live in Saint-Petersburg» (2017). It becomes the basis of forming the text of urban non-fiction with highest possible personal identity, which is expressed by frequent use of personal pronouns I, we, my and various toponyms significant to this or that author. The writer’s unique perception of the city allows to consider the text as a personal document which especially actualises the concept «memory». The importance of the autobiographical component typical for modern literary discourse and especially for non-fiction texts is seen on each text level. The conducted analysis leads to the conclusion that the texts of the two books can be viewed as thematically related non-fiction super-texts which demonstrate different perception of Moscow and Saint-Petersburg in the cultural space. Modern literature, including non-fiction, shows the importance of the main motifs of Saint-Petersburg texts which are enriched with more and more myths.
Keywords: modern literature, non-fiction, Petersburg text of Russian literature, Moscow text, a literary collection, the theme of the city, the concept of «memory»
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 9 — 13
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