DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-12-157-161
In the article the authors touched on one of the topical issues of defectological education: improving motivation to self-correction and self-control among children with severe speech disorders. For children with severe speech disorders the corrective-speech process at kindergarten speech therapy center lasts 2–3 years. During this time it is necessary to help children to correct the defects of the entire system of language: aspects of pronunciation, lexical and grammatical side, of coherent speech. The necessity of examination and formation of a stable motivation for corrective speech work is caused by the low level of interest of senior preschool children with severe speech disorders to speech therapy classes, because they require perseverance from the child, and this quality appears later. The authors identified three stages of diagnostics, necessary for a comprehensive examination of children with severe speech disorders. Stage 1 – speech diagnostics, stage 2 – study of children’s motivation, stage 3 – parents’ questioning to identify the child’s interests. The attention is focused on the stage of studying of motivation for speech therapy classes, with the aim of identifying conditions for the formation of stable motivation of children with severe speech disorders. The diagnostic parameters of the motivational component are demonstrated, their connection with speech therapy tasks is specified.
Keywords: speech disorder, motivation, interest in speech therapy sessions, diagnostics of motivation
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Issue: 12, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 157 — 161
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