DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-11-36-40
The ways of expressing comparison in the works of Yuri Polyakov are considered. The authors define the morphological and syntactic features of similes and their functions in an artistic text. Similes, accomplished with the help of conjunctions as, like, as if, as well as the other means of connection are allocated. Among them are the special forms of nouns (genitive and instrumental case), other parts of speech (prepositions, adjectives, participles, adverbs). The most frequent in the works of Y. Polyakov are comparative constructions with such lexical means as a preposition as, an adverb like, an adjective similar to, a participle resembling, having likeness. The author’s favorite form of expression of comparison, as our observations show, is predicative units, representing different types of subordinate compound sentences. In the novel of Y. Polyakov, there are constructions with a comparison in the predicative center with a predicative-noun, which is the rarest in fictional texts. A specific way of expressing the phenomenon under consideration in the work of Y. Polyakov is a description of situations based on comparison. In content the vast majority of Yuri Polyakov’s comparisons have a distinct individual character, they are unusual, original and thus picturesquely presented an individual author’s picture of the writer’s mindset, involve the reader in the world of the artist of the word.
Keywords: figurative simile, comparative construction, comparative subordinate predicative clauses, simile, literary text
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Issue: 11, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 36 — 40
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