DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-11-25-30
The article deals with the metacommunicative components, metacommunicative statements and metacommunicative situations on the whole with specifying semantics, in other words, the object of analysis is metacommunicative speech acts of the speaker, which represent a verbal explanation of the specific speech situation, specification, concretization of the speech act of the participant of the communication process. The article explains the practical significance of the use of such speech acts. The specification allows us to focus on the speech behavior of the interlocutor, regulate the process of communication and request additional information which is necessary for a complete and correct interpretation of a speech act. Metacommunicative speech acts can be expressed as particles (то есть – that is, да – yes, вроде – like), adverbs (точно – exactly, правильно – right, верно – correct, etc. ), and metacommunicative statements of the phraseological character (иметь в виду – to bear in mind, пойми меня правильно – understand me correctly), interrogative metacommunicative statements (Что ты хочешь этим сказать? – What do you mean by that? Слышишь? – Do you hear? etc.), metacommunicative statements (Я ничего не понял, объясните и др. – I did not understand anything, will you explain, etc.) and whole metacommunicative speech situations containing the action tendency to explain what was said. The research was performed on the material of the modern fiction (the fiction books of T. Ustinova “Uncut pages”, ‘Divorce and maiden name”, “Principle of the Magic inverse Act” and “The Third Thursday of November”).
Keywords: metacommunication, metacommunicative component, metacommunicative statements, metacommunicative speech situation, specification
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Issue: 11, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 25 — 30
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