DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-8-139-144
The article proves education modernization on the basis of constantly developing information and communication technologies (ICTs) influencing modern education environment formation. The purpose of the article is to reveal and prove the innovative pedagogical searches in the field of constantly improving ICTs in global education. It presents the results of studying the new sources of the educational environment. It establishes that the new educational environment sources which are distance education, learning centers, workplace learning by the means of modern ICTs, home learning with the Internet are actively forming and developing in modern education. It describes the co-evolution development manifestation of education system as the objective process which consists in that from all the possible transformations of these or those elements of an education system remain only mutually compatible (mutual combination of traditional education, electronic learning and distance education technologies). The article gives the examples of ICTs use in the process of knowledge acquisition both in the educational institutions, and in the new educational environment sources (learning centers, workplace learning by means of modern ICTs, home learning with the Internet). The author comes to the conclusion about synergetic effect manifestation in a new shape which gets the education focused on the lifelong learning. Modern education assumes the active use of Internet and the digital technologies (for example, electronic learning and distance education technologies) in teaching and learning, change of teaching and learning model and knowledge preservation model, management of the students of their own educational trajectory and learning activity. ICTs get the teaching process ahead for a framework of traditional educational institutions, and cause the emergence of the new sources of knowledge acquisition.
Keywords: information and communication technologies, new educational environment sources, distance education technologies, electronic learning, education modernization
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Issue: 8, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 139 — 144
Downloads: 977