DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-8-100-107
Today’s school objectives to teach students to learn suppose developing of internal motivation among students. The priority motives of students of juvenile age are as follows: interest in the new; aspiration to fulfill one’s potential; necessity to understand the training material; significance of the studied material for improvement of personal experience. The content of mathematics education plays an important role in the search for the means of internal motivation of training activity. At the same time not only training skills but also ways of cognitive activity should act as the content of education. The unit of the content of education is a teaching text. It is the teaching text that can initiate active motivated intellectual activity of students. But not every teaching text can act as the factor of motivation of training activity. It should be a teaching text based on a psychodactical approach which would allow to identify the types of teaching texts that create the conditions for motivating training activities at its different stages. The study showed that the texts for students of grades 5 to 9, aimed at enriching the various forms of students’ mental experience (cognitive, conceptual, metacognitive, emotional-evaluative), make it possible to motivate students’ training activities at different stages. For example, such types of texts as «text as an encoding of information», «text as motivation», «text as an assessment and choice of features of the concept», «text as establishing links between concepts», «text as a programme», «text as means of self-monitoring», «text as a choice of mode of operation», «text as a choice of cognitive position», etc. guide students in their cognitive activities at the current stage of the development of school mathematical education.
Keywords: motivation of school activity, mental experience, training texts
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Issue: 8, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 100 — 107
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